AAR ESS Tyre and Batteries

M/s AAR ESS TYRES AND BATTERIES is a sole proprietorship firm and was incorporated on 14.05.1998. Mr.Krishan Ahuja is the sole proprietor of the above mentioned firm and has complete controlling authority over the firm till date since the inception of the firm. M/s AAR ESS TYRES AND BATTERIES is an automotive firm and specifically deals in trade of batteries, inverters and tyres. In the year 1998, we became the authorized dealer of Exide Batteries and Jk Tyres. Subsequently in the year 2010, we also joined with Bridgestone Tyres and Yokohama Tyres as the authorized dealer of tyres. Further, in the year 2014, we also associated Ceat tyres to our Firm and we became their authorized dealer. In totality, M/s AAR ESS TYRES AND BATTERIES is an automotive firm that deals in the trade of batteries and tyres and we are the authorized dealer of all the above mentioned Companies.

Our Products and Services

ESS TYRES AND BATTERIES is an automotive firm and specifically deals in trade of batteries the company stated, “We are developing a new range of batteries for next-gen submarines, competing with international peers, to widen our industry footprint. We continue to focus on catering to the indigenous class of submarines”.

ESS TYRES AND BATTERIES is an automotive firm and specifically deals in trade of batteries and envertor Independent electric energy systems are untethered from the electrical utility grid. They vary in size from tiny yard lights to remote homes, villages, parks, and medical and military facilities. They also include mobile, portable, and emergency backup systems. Their common bond is the storage battery, which absorbs and releases energy in the form of direct current (DC) electricity.

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